Rick Simpson Öl - Die Antwort der Natur auf Krebs

German edition of Nature's Answer for Cancer

Rick cured his own cancer and wants to share this information.

With more and more research being done daily on the effectivnes of cannabis in treating various medical conditions, the stories shared in this book should no longer be a surprise to anyone.

PRECIO: 18,00 $
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Rick Simpson’s journey to help people heal themselves with his rediscovery of the amazing medical properties of the cannabis plant and the powerful extracts produced from the indica varieties is triggering changing attitudes towards this plant and its legal status, worldwide. Now, more than ever, this book provides an important change in perspective regarding our right to medicines already found in nature.

Includes step-by-step instructions on how to make your own healing cannabis oil.

I want people to know how to heal themselves – Rick Simpson


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This book is also available on Amazon for Kindle.