Athens Cannabis Expo, Athens, Greece, Jan 12 - 14 2018

Rick Simpson and Danijela Smiljanić Simpson are coming to Greece!
They will attend the Athens Cannabis Expo 2018 where they will hold lectures on the medicinal properties of cannabis oil. This will be the first international Cannabis Expo in Greece.
'The purpose of the event is to inform the public about all the products and innovations that exist in the world of cannabis and the latest achievements in the medical, pharmaceutical and industrial use of cannabis. Come to get to know all the innovative companies that are active in the cannabis sector with many different products and services such as CBD (Cannabidiol) , cosmetics, cocktails, seeds, medical , vaporizers, clothing and many more.'
Rick Simpson will speak about the facts which show us that no one ever had the right to outlaw the use of this amazing plant in the first place and what we can all do to set it free once again, while the focus of Danijela Smiljanić Simpson's lecture will be on patients experiences with the use of RSO in their therapies.
To find out more about the program, visit the event website.
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